At 98 years old, Brandon Oaks resident Betty Pence has seen quite a bit. She will tell you she’s had a wonderful, full life – which she has. If you talk with her for just a few moments you will see how grateful and happy she is. What you will also see when you visit is beautiful illustrations, paintings and cross-stitching. Betty is an artist and an author. Yes, still an artist at 98 years old. She loves to stay busy – keeping her mind sharp with puzzles, illustrations, cross-stitching, reading and writing. Betty has authored a few books since the age of 91! In one of her books she writes:
Since God has given me some extra time, I feel as if I don’t want to waste a minute of it. If you feel discouraged by so called old age try to make it a gift that you didn’t expect and make the most of it!
With the New Year approaching and many thinking of how to plan out resolutions for losing weight or organizing spaces, try to treat every day as a gift and make the most of it, like Betty does! Below are a few of Betty’s pieces of art she’s created, most of which has been done since she’s turned 90. Inspiring to think how much you can do when you don’t let the constraint of age hinder you.